Blog 6 – “I’ll be drinking champagne in no time, or not.”

January 13, 2020

One thing they don’t tell you about being unemployed is how cyclical the feelings are on a day to day basis. Tuesday you may be optimist and hopeful whereas Wednesday you’re pessimism and you’re getting nowhere- and all of this can be based on something as simple as an email, or even a lack of an email. With this in mind, at least for now, it’s been a Tuesday. The day after my interview, I was told that the team apparently liked me and I’d moved on to the next stage. I’m not going to lie, I had briefly forgotten about the next stage- a Skype call with the VP of Data Science, calling in from…America. On the one hand, yes I was absolutely bricking it, but on the other- I guess this does finally make me an International Business man- you know- teleconferencing Boston, Massachusetts. Anyways, I spent the weekend reading, walking and going for coffee; relaxing things to ease the noggin ahead of todays interview. So?:   The interview was not what I expected. Why? Because it wasn’t really an interview. I was told by Acquisition Coodinator that is was an interview and the event in the calendar said it was an interview, but it can only really be described as a chat. There was no ’So where do you see yourself in 5 years’ or ‘What are your strengths and weaknesses’, just a friendly hello from across the pond which consisted of mainly introductions. Admittedly, it was mentioned that it was going to be informal- but I didn’t understand the degree of informality. The call was ended and I was left bewildered. When you finish and interview you usually have an idea of how things went but I had no idea what had just happened. It made me question whether or not that was even a real stage or just an opportunity to have an introduction to the team. Regardless, I’m still counting it as ‘within the realm of Tuesday’ as I met another lovely person from this company. I guess now there’s just another long wait to find out if I’ve been successful or not. Only time will tell if I’ll be drinking champagne in no time, or not.  

Knee update: Just let me get a job first, ok